Monday, December 12, 2005


My reply to Seren was as long as a blog so I thought I’d link it here.
What would be so compelling to catalyze my verbose reply? It was Seren’s beautiful personal accounts comprised with amazing writings…of course.

You know what makes me soar higher than getting paid $1,000/hr for writing? It's finding compliments like this from my peers. Thanks for your kind words.

I'm a big risk taker and incredibly shy. I sift through the paradox with the aid of red wine and an overwhelming belief that when we our honest to ourselves and others, only good things can come. It's not like I'm afraid of heavy-handed retribution or even karma. At the time, I have no idea what I'm doing usually. I screw up a lot.

But sometimes, you send something out into the universe and it comes back to you in a way you don't expect. I'm thrilled to hear that you found some inkling of value in my personal journal entries. I was going to edit a ton of stuff out for sake of brevity, too.

In many ways, it's been you, Nick D, who has inspired me to share here. It's really not like me; there's stuff here that would surprise my closest flesh-friends (friends whom I've met in the flesh instead of via the Internet).

Your words, your station in life, your quirk-isms, your hunger for something better (lol, free movie passes), and your frequent contributions here have had an impact on myself and some of your other regular readers by the looks of it. Keep it up!

But hey, enough mush and stuff from me, fer cryin' out loud, I have my political career to think about! ;)
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